Saturday, November 24, 2012

"In Everything Give Thanks"

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! The couples that I spoke of in my last blog were such good cooks and we truly enjoyed a traditional Thanksgiving. Sister Judd arranged about 3 weeks ago to have frozen turkey breasts come from the United States in a suitcase of someone she knew that was coming to Accra. Sister Scoville made rolls that were so light and fluffy and a apple cake with carmel sauce; Sister Lyon made a sweet potato casserole out of butternut squash that was scrumptous, and green beans from her garden; Sister Dalton made apple pies; I made mashed potatoes and helped with the stuffing; Sister Judd made the pumpkin pies a few days ahead and made all the other meals we had in our couples conference. Elder Avery really missed his traditional creamed corn we always do as a family. Our corn was eaten by the deer this year, so I wasn't able to dry any to bring with us. Plus life was kinda 'crazy' back then and I just didn't make other arrangements. Anyway it was great food and great company, and I am thankful.

The other couple's missionary assignment is member-leadership support. I so enjoyed hearing of what they do in their areas to strengthen the wards and also seeing how perfectly they fit their assignments. The Lord really knows where to place us as couples and then patiently guides us in 'growing where we are planted'. Elder and Sister Lyon, who are serving in Ho, have been instrumental in organizing the youth in service projects and other great activities. Ho is a distance of at least 3 hours from us and I hope we can make the trip sometime, even if Elder Asay described the roads as horrible. They are in areas where the monkeys and baboons are seen and it would be fun to have pictures for our grandchildren. We had some great spiritual instruction a we all met together for 2 days, and I am thankful.

This next picture is the African Nativity set that we purchased from a wood carver named Wisdom. He was going to get us a copy of the meaning of the four figures besides Mary and Joseph and I can't remember the kind of wood either. I enjoy having it in our home to remind us of what this work is all about. The Ghanaians are a very spiritual-minded people and have a great love for God and Jesus Christ, so it is not hard for the missionaries as they bear testimony, and I am thankful.

Our power went out this morning around 9:30, so we decided to come to the office as there is always things to do. We had to get a new mission office safe as the old one got to a point where it could not be opened with the combination and had to always use a key. Elder Wiley and Elder Asay helped Elder Avery figure out how to program it and I don't know what we would do without those two. They are kept so busy with all that is required of office elders and still make time for teaching the gospel.This mission experience, if all missionaries do their duty, makes men out of boys and great husbands and fathers for the future, and I am thankful.

I hope our power will not be off for too long as I need to finish the load of washing that didn't get quite finished, shop for groceries, and prepare for the Sabbath. In spite of it all, the power hasn't been off as much as it could, and I am thankful.

With love,
Sister Avery


teva said...

what a wonderful thanksgiving you had! that is so good to hear. maybe i will get corn soon enough next year to be able to dehydrate it and mail it off to you before thanksgiving. i LOVE your new nativity set!!! how neat!!! love you guys!

Nathan said...

We had a wonderful FHE tonight reading and learning from our two favorite missionaries! What a great example you are to us. We pray continually for you to be sustained and successful in all you do. It seems as though you are both growing every day with new experiences. Nathan also missed his favorite dish of the year (creamed corn) this thanksgiving. He decided to make your fruit salad instead, and it was great. We spent the holiday in Ohio with my parents & Nikki's family, and Nathan was sure we would find an Amish family with corn to sell, but no such luck. If you find a way to, we would love to see a video of the area, and the kids would love to hear a Ghanaian accent! Only if you find a way. It seems as though you have your hands full. Love you!